Saturday, September 29, 2012

Persona Pain and Gain

Elevator Pitch for Herbal temporary hair dye:

For actors&actresses who need to change their hair style often and fashion youth who would like to try some "crazy" color on their head often, herbal temporary hair dye is a hair dye that is purely made by herbal and contains no harmful compositions. It also can be washed off by normal shampoo, which means you can try different color every day. You can simply dye hair by yourself in just 10 mins. Unlike some other hair dye, like O'real, this product is completely harmfulness for health and hair, and could easily dye on or wash off. Customers can try some "crazy" color that would never show up on other brands without worry about whether they would not like the color tomorrow or some health issues. 

The persona I choose is a young girl Nancy at her age of 25 loving party, has a full-time work to do and it's a serious work for classic dressing style. 

What does a bad day look like for her?
  After a crazy party night, the girl has no time to re-make her hair and shows up with her red-color hair, leaving a bad impression to her co-workers and boss. 

What is she afraid of?
  She feels badly and worries that would have negative effect to her career. She also was afraid when she put the color on her hair, worries it would last even longer time so she had to wear that in a long time to work. 

What keeps her awake at night?
  Hoping the color would fade a little bit or she has to do coloring twice in several days, that would hurt her hair badly. 

What is she responsible for?
  She has full-time work to do, so she should dress professionally, and the appearance may have potential influence to her work. 

What obstacles stand in her way?
  She is crazy about party, but she cannot express herself at the parties because of the work requirements.

What does this person want and aspire to?
  She wants something can let her change her hair color at night temporarily but has her original hair color for work, also wont have damage even she colors every night. 

How does this person measure success?
  She can both deal work and night life well. Having fun at the same time not affect her professional future. 

What can we offer this person?
  We can offer her a product that let her make colors for the parties or night life whenever she likes and won't have an influence to the next day's work. Also it won't hurt her hair even she wants to change her color hair everyday. 


  1. This product is so sweet and exactly what I need. I think you may compare with other competitors' products and then emphasize on the hair condition after using yours. Presenting the customers some "visible outstanding user experience" would works. By the way, I was thinking that you may marketing about the herbal indigence(if you have) to differentiate yourself.

  2. You could also market this product to people that want to try a new color out before they go for a more permanent die. I know I would try it.

    It could also be marketed around Halloween, it would definitely be better than the spray stuff they offer now.
