Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Thoughts for Inbound Marketing

Can today's company survive on inbound marketing? Yes.
Can today's company survive only on inbound marketing? I would highly doubt about it.

Though it's a new term in marketing world, Inbound marketing has already been integrated and regarded as a necessary aspect in marketing strategy.

The appearance of internet really has changed every aspect of the world. From customer behavior to purchasing process, it's not only about another distribution channel any more. Everyone seems agree on the statement that customers nowadays tend to come to the company to look for information and products instead of receiving information and product recommendations from companies. Also, consumers are more skeptical than ever towards the message sent by companies, thus Google came up with the word ZMOT to describe the change of customers' buying behavior and to warn companies they should pay more attention to their PR and customer satisfaction now. They can not only affect existing customers' loyalty, but also have an effect on new customers' acquisition and its brand image among the market. What's more, potential shelf-space may also be affected by this ZMOT.

ZMOT is so closely related to today's inbound marketing. First of all, whether the source the customers hear of a specific brand or product is credible is primarily have a difference in consumers' decision making. What's more, whether a company has the authority to solve a problem or fulfill a need is also decided by customers themselves. Thus, companies should pay attention on PR and creating its authority through other newspaper and magazine articles. Mentioned by experts in a specific industry is another aspect to raise reputation and awareness through inbound marketing. Also, after customer using products or receiving service, they will also give feedback to company and telling others their feeling. Internet makes it much more easier than ever before. Bad news and unhappy feelings spread quickly with social media. Therefore, companies should take care and consistently focus on its customer reviews. It may even cause them not showing up in customers sight. Think about those products with lower than 4 stars customer reviews in Customers skip those kind of products to narrow down their search results so that they don't have to read thousands of pieces product descriptions.

However, outbound still holds a critical position in a company's marketing strategy. We can see from every year's Super Bowl commercials. The ability of appearance on popular and related channels and programs is considered into a company's credibility and authority as well, especially for those brand that already famous to keep its brand image. Also for a new brand in some industry, let's say automobile, if a company only appears on internet without physical appearance, customers will still have a hard time to trust in the brand and product. In addition, customer experience is still one of the most important marketing effort companies are making, which can only be achieved perfectly by outbound marketing such as in-store shopping assistance.

1 comment:

  1. Yuyang, great example about the Super Bowl commercials and I love your perspective towards the position of outbound marketing. I always prefer in store purchase if the price and discount offered online and offline are the same, because of the physical appearance which can gave me a realistic idea of the product and service I am about to purchase.
